Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas 2009 - Sibling Gifts

SIBS! I hope you enjoy the physical part of our gifts to you, these little jars of fruit preserves. Your "Apple Syrup" is the result of a hunch, that the sweetest cider I harvested this Autumn, from a tree whose apples had hard-frozen and thawed several times and turned brown on the tree, could be distilled like maple sap, into a sweet syrup. It is nearly as sweet as maple, but the apple syrup has its own distinctive character. Warm it up and pour it on pancakes or waffles, and see if you don't like it just as much as maple syrup. Apple syrup's "carbon footprint" is a lot smaller: Maple Syrup is boiled 40 parts sap to 1 part syrup, while Apple Syrup is boiled approximately 7 parts cider to 1 part syrup. Here is my "Rocky Mountain Local" replacement for pancake syrup. The Apricot-Peach Sorbet does not need to be frozen until you open it. Once you have frozen your sorbet, take it out of the freezer about ten minutes before eating, to let it soften just a bit.
The SECOND part of our gift to you is information, contained in the regional posts below this one. Check out your region, and all the small farms and farmers markets you can access for fresh, locally grown organic food. WHY are we giving you this information? Because the world is changing. Many serious problems have come together at once, including crises in global banking and debt, food safety and security, health care, energy and climate change. As we see failures in all these areas, large shifts are underway all around us, to create healthier ways of living, much of it by producing healthy organic local food. I am focused on this work myself, creating solar heated greenhouses, growing edible polycultures, creating wonderful foods from local sources, and trading gifts with my friends who are doing complementary work. We are building community, while watching segments of our global markets collapse, and we are making other arrangements by becoming part of the local supply chain for everyday needs of our community. I hope you enjoy this blog, and as Julia Child would say, "BON APETIT!"

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